Ten year average is 58,079 per year, or approximately 1 officer attacked every 6.6 hours

Correctional Officers

585 Correctional officers killed in the line of duty

33,000 inmate on staff assaults each year=90 assaults per day, 3.7 per hour

2.7 staff assaults per 100 inmates- county level

1.4 staff assaults per 100 inmates- state level

0.9 staff assaults per 100 inmates- federal level

A Correctional Officer will be SERIOUSLY assaulted at least twice in a 20 year career!

Law Enforcement Officers

Killed in the line of duty

First Officer killed in 1792:  Almost 20,000 officers killed since
Average is 154 officers killed each year, or approximately 1 officer every 53 hours

   161                169               121               111

2010             2011             2012             2013

   2010               2011             2012               2013

Law Enforcement Training for Criminal Justice Personnel ONLY*


Law Enforcement Officers

Injured in the line of duty

53,469              54,774             54,758             60,140

Probation and Parole Officers

No data base to accurately determine number of Probation/Parole officers Assaulted each year

It is estimated that 1 out of every 5 will be assaulted during their career

70% of suspects convicted of attacking a police officer were on probation/parole at the time of the attack

The most common statement heard from probation/parole officers is:     "I know my clients, I can't get hurt!